Are you like the cat and the dehumidifier?

There are lessons all around us that can help us break free from what holds us back. A change or something new and suddenly, we are fearful and withdrawn for no obvious reason. We may even have people around us encouraging us to move forward, that it’s ok and yet, we are afraid.

Recently, my daughter Michelle purchased a dehumidifier, set it up, and turned it on. Ok, you’d think, “no big deal” but to her cat Luna – “Whoa, what is this little device that makes noise? I’m going to hide under the bathroom sink!”

No amount of coaxing or holding would get her to accept this disruption to her environment.

You and I know that the dehumidifier won’t hurt a cat and it is a fairly benign piece of equipment. If anything, it improved the environment making it more comfortable. It’s not terrifying like a vacuum as a potential threat to the poor little kitty.

Is there something that other people view as insignificant that is holding you back? Why doesn’t whatever it is bother other people? Maybe it’s because they too were once fearful but were able to overcome their fear. Are you hiding under the bathroom sink afraid of something?

I was once fearful of swimming in water over my head. I would tense up and sink like a rock which made swimming even more difficult and made me more fearful. Once I discovered the root cause of that fear, it was like flipping a light switch. I realized how irrational the fear was and now I thoroughly enjoy swimming in Long Island Sound.

Luckily for little Luna, after four days of hiding, she realized the dehumidifier wasn’t going to hurt her and came out on her own. She walked past the dehumidifier without even giving it a glance. The change was now accepted and just another thing in the room.

What fear do you have that is preventing you from moving on? From enjoying life more fully. Sometimes you just need to ask yourself “Why am I afraid?” to move on to a better life.